Who we are

We are just two buddies who decided to start a YouTube channel about our antics out in the middle of a field. One is a mechanic, welder, and engineer. The other is a woodworker, handyman, and random knower of things. Together our powers combine to come up with ridiculous ideas like buying a sawmill. Which led to the purchase of a bobcat…and then a truck…and then…ANYWAY, we thought if anyone out there would like to support the channel it seems like the first thing most YouTubers do is get some merch to hauk. So here ya go…a site for our merch.

Thanks for the support! We can’t wait to see what trouble you help us get into next!

Follow us on Youtube and Instagram!

The Freedom Farm

It all started when Jason bought a farm. The ultimate plan is to build a house on the land with room for a workshop…or maybe a workshop with living space attached.

But in order to build a house you need a workshop.

That’s where the conatiner came in, we decided we would need a place to keep tools and material while we were working on the house.

Also the first step in any house is the foundation. In order to prep the dirt for the foundation we needed an excavator…and to know how to use an excavator…so we’re working on that part.

We quickly realized that excavators are great at digging but not great at moving. So we decided that a skidsteer would need to be added to the growing list of things required to get to the next step.

The Sawmill

Also for funsies we thought it would be a good idea to buy a sawmill. So we could cut our own lumber. This one was slightly unrelated to the building but something both of us were excited about trying for ourselves.

Contact us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!